Saturday, September 29, 2007

day two

So far so good, helps that the only snack I brought are grapes, and I am not one to raid someone else's pantry.
stairs? now I for sure am getting a small one story. at least one that has a bathroom downstairs. this running up and down to check on the girls or answer my phone from the bathroom after my shower as I get ready to go is crazy. :) Not as bad as forcing myself down to let the dogs out when Bandit woke me at the booty crack of dawn after I stayed up so late (I have a really hard time sleeping away from home, anyone else have this problem? I feel like the little girl who always leaves the slumber party at midnight cause she can't sleep somewhere new) Does this count toward my exercise for the day? Probably not.
Bridget and i are going to try not to get rained out of the Pet Fest. Going to stop by petsmart on the way to get dog medicine for her foot (my grandpa called a little bit ago and gave me a hard time for doctoring her with people medicine. we have to get dog food for our entrance fee/donation anyway. Supposed to go walking with Alea later, but Bridge's foot is red again, I think it may be the grass here or something in his carpet, she turned red all over last night like she was having a mild allergic reaction to something, she seems fine now but we'll see how it goes.

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