Friday, November 11, 2005

is it five yet?

So this week has been dragging. First because I was anticipating my birthday, now because my birthday is over and I am ready to not be at work. I got flowers this year, and from someone I actually looked forward to getting them from. Granted he is much more serious than i am and it scares me, makes me want to run from the committment he thinks we are moving quickly toward, but at the same time, i am falling for the fantasy he paints for me and looking forward to seeing how we pan out in the next months...Our relationship seems very intense, like an amusement park, something exciting around every corner...even jsut sitting talking with him becomes intense, he has so many stories, has done so much and wants to do everything else. His interests may actually be even more varied than mine. And he would like to treat me like a princess, to the extent he is able.

He says all the right attracted to him....we have long term issues to work out definately, but in spite of his past and my fears, there is a chance it could really be something...

My concern is I am still really attracted to guy that works at our office, he is so quiet and I dont see him often (he works in the field, me in the office, but he is intriguing, kinda the opposite of the one that sent me flowers.

wow, it is almost five, time to shut down my computer, pack up my flowers and go watchthe spurs with the girls! I love Fridays!