Tuesday, December 27, 2005

It's been a while...

aw, i love that song. note to self - need to get the new staind CD. Lucky for me Santa gave me a wad of cash for Christmas..:)

So life is good. We spent Christmas Eve at my brother's spent the night with the kids. It has been a logn time sinceI was able to experience the excitement of Santa's visit in the morning. Poor kiddos, mom and I woke them up at the crack of dawn, we were so excited.

I took the weekend off from my dieting. (have been on the Nutrisystem diet for about two weeks - wiegh in tomorrow at the gym to find out if I have lost any more than my first two pounds). I love to eat. and the food at holidays is always so delicious. Am taking new year's off from my diet too.

Got much more than i expected for Christmas. I didn't ask for anything. got a couple gift cards, some little stuff, a beautiful candle set that makes my room look so much more elegant(good job Ari- just what i needed), a fabulous sparkly green purse (Leslie is so up to date in her fashion, I should make her shop with me in March when I am through with my dieting), I am fully stocked with assorted teas(my current all day long drink of choice)and post-its (love post-it notes!) at work and have updated pictures of the kiddos (thanks to my brother's family), and of course the cash from "Santa" aka Mom and Dad. I am quite spoiled. I can admit it.

This has beena terrific year. Lots to be thankful for. Lots of accomplishments checked off my list. can't wait to see what the next year will bring.

Friday, November 11, 2005

is it five yet?

So this week has been dragging. First because I was anticipating my birthday, now because my birthday is over and I am ready to not be at work. I got flowers this year, and from someone I actually looked forward to getting them from. Granted he is much more serious than i am and it scares me, makes me want to run from the committment he thinks we are moving quickly toward, but at the same time, i am falling for the fantasy he paints for me and looking forward to seeing how we pan out in the next months...Our relationship seems very intense, like an amusement park, something exciting around every corner...even jsut sitting talking with him becomes intense, he has so many stories, has done so much and wants to do everything else. His interests may actually be even more varied than mine. And he would like to treat me like a princess, to the extent he is able.

He says all the right things...am attracted to him....we have long term issues to work out definately, but in spite of his past and my fears, there is a chance it could really be something...

My concern is I am still really attracted to guy that works at our office, he is so quiet and I dont see him often (he works in the field, me in the office, but he is intriguing, kinda the opposite of the one that sent me flowers.

wow, it is almost five, time to shut down my computer, pack up my flowers and go watchthe spurs with the girls! I love Fridays!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

And one more makes five

ok, so I was wrong about number four, I thought he was not going to call and I woudl have to wait til our next chance meeting. Turns out he got a new phone and called last night, I am supposed to call him back today as he was pretty tired last night, he does work outside all day.

And to add to the mix, My friend from Dallas messaged/e-mailed me yesterday to let me know he was going to be in town. From the sound of it, he actually does want to see me this time. Tonight since I will be leaving town tomorrow for my grandma's wedding. (A rush job as they are living together and he, being a strong baptist, is not too comfortable with thier current arrangement, nor are we, trying to explain it to the great grand-kids).

That makes five I talked to yesterday. And still made it to the gym...No wonder i am so tired. ;)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Seems everytime i have somethign to say, I have no time to write, and when i have time to write, I have nothing to say...

too much going on lately. put myself back in teh dating pool by accepting most any offer that came along, have been "talking" to four boys.While it is flattering, I don't recommend it. It is hard work trying to keep up with them, and that's with just talking. But it seems to be helping my mojo tremendously.

One I actually have been talking to a long time. We are going to be just friends due to our age difference and our distance, but it is fun to pretend and chat.

number two is interesting. He is my favorite at the moment, but as the bad boy intrique wears off I am hoping we can still be friends, he makes me laugh and is a handy guy to have a round.

number three is sweet, but unfortunately has nothing in common with me and I have no atraction for. I really need to call him back as he works in our office building occasionally.

number four I have been drooling over for some time and finally got to "hang" out with if you know what I mean. But the whole thing was a bit too comfortable and he is way too moody so I will not be calling him again - unless he calls me first. ;)Either way, the thrill of the chase has been met with the satisfaction of the capture. All is well.

None of the above are "keepers" and I would gladly drop them all for a sparks and bells kinda love without hesitation - well maybe a little hesitation, I am not heartless after all.

Other than my balancing act, Work is crazy, i wish they would hire someone so i could do one job instead of three. I take belly dancing once a week, and recently joined a gym. I did lose three pounds last week! It seems to be much easier when you dont think about it and just do it. One of my best friends is goign to be in a wedding, so we have been using the buddy system to get her ready for it - eating healthy and exercising - I did not really intend to lose wieght, but I will take the benefits happily. I need chocolate to celebrate. ;)Or maybe some eye candy at the gym would be a better way to satisfy my sweet tooth....

Alright, my time chained to this desk to answer the phones is about up. Time to go back to my real job here. So much for the quick overview...I will try to write more "interesting" details later. ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bad Timing?

What a strange morning….
Something must be in the air.

I was almost followed to work. I was honestly, just looking at the people around me on I10. Innocent like. Well there was a cute boy in a beat up white truck with a trailer on the back. Apparently he saw me watching him.

I pass him – he is two lanes away mind you- so he changes lanes to get around a large truck and drives near me, still a lane away. I being shy and embarrassed, proceeded to change my radio stations. As he gives in and starts to pass me, I look up and he is giving me the universal sign for what’s up, the hands in the air in the “I don’t know” position. So as I approach my exit, I shrug and put on my blinker. He slows and gets in the exit lane with a car between us. At this point I am thinking….Is he going to follow me to work?

Well no actually, he pulls past me, again with the hands palms up, and proceeds to pull off into the taco cabana parking lot – to wait for me to do the same.

I, being ten minutes late already and at the end of a very long line of cars in the turn around lane, shake my head repeat but I can’t and gaze with wonder at him in the parking lot.

I should kick myself for passing up my chance at destiny, I have always wanted a guy that would see me and take a chance like that, and have always wondered, what would I do if I found one? Well, now I have my answer. I would drive on by and admire from afar. ;)

So I passed a chance with a guy at Old Navy for being too young and me just not paying attention, I passed a stranger up on the highway for the timing being bad, darn me and my lateness, although if I wasn’t late I wouldn’t have seen him….Third time is a charm, right?

Friday, July 08, 2005

early morning chatter

I got to work really early today. Got dressed and ready so I left, thinking that if I get my time in this morning, then I can maybe take a shorter lunch and leave at 1-1:15ish, when Amanda gets back from getting the mail after lunch instead of waiting til 2:00.

Anyway, that is not the point. The point is, I parked in the back, didn’t feel like going thru the front office this early, and the survey crews are still here in the parking lot. I don’t know if it’s cause it’s early and my eyes are not awake yet, but I think one of them is soo adorable. I waved at him, was a reflex, cute boy must wave syndrome, as I drove past. When I parked I had to walk past them of course and silly me, “only had eyes for him” he smiled big, but then I got nervous – felt like a little girl drooling over the bout to be sweaty survey boys, just like when I was little visiting dad at his office…..memories…I am way too old to act like that… so I tried to pull myself together, act my age, smiled and just kept walking. But of course in my focusing on Alvaro, I missed that William was out there so he had to say my name til I turned around to wave and smile at him too. Silly boys, hopefully they were too amazed to see me at work so dang early that they didn’t notice my poor eyes’ obsession with poor Alvaro and his layered shirts….Boys don’t actually catch on to stuff like that do they?
Hope I look ok today since I hardly see the survey crews…
It’s been a long chubby bad skin few weeks; I needed a cute smile in my direction.

What a great way to start the morning. Even if it is way too early.