Thursday, December 27, 2007

be careful what you wish for...

you just might get it all...

and then the challenge is for you to do what needs to be done with it. God answers prayers whether you think you are ready or not.

I am finding many prayers answered recently. am interpreting the answers and finding that I need to use the gifts NOW, and not conitue to put them off for some other time.

I am not ready to reveal details. But am hoping by documenting the process, i will not be able to drag my feet and turn a blind eye to what God has placed in front of me and is pushing me toward any longer. I want to put it out to the universe, that i AM thankful for the answers, I see them, feel them and am willing, even if not yet ready to use them.

Friday, December 21, 2007

ready or not, the game has already started

I have a brand new co-worker. oh how I love her already. mostly cause she and her husband have fallen for me. they think I am pretty. :) and have made it thier mission to "find me a nice guy".

hell yeah, i am all for the set ups! I have not done so well on my own so far. the help is welcome!

but wow, she is moving fast...just this morning, she invited me to a dinner fondue thing....with her family, and her friends family...oh yeah and a friend of hers who is in know so he and I wont have to be the odd ones out amongst the two pressure, just coudl be buddies, he has a water front house and is a really good guy, would be a good person to have as a friend even if nothing else happened.

The book I have been trying to finish from ladies bible class is currently telling me to not ignore God's gifts, his pushing in a direction, the open doors he puts in front of you, to fight the battle he leads you to, not the ones you think should be first. so...onward ho with the battle of my shy fears, and so long battle of the bulge. its time to get back out there, without the millions of excuses I have been hiding behind, with my extra pounds. ;) love me, love my lovehandles? Its not like the extra digit on my label has made any difference in my life thus far, except in how I feel about myself. so, obvously the problem lies within me, not in my outward appearance.

I hate dieting! I hate thinking about what I am eating. I love food. so..I have bought some new clothes, will continue to add items to my wardrobe, one sale at a time. I have a feeling, that when i get the inside stuff in shape, food will not be hating me anymore, and the outside will work itself out on its own. I have not been reading labels, and have not had any more crazy soybean oil allergy attacks. (although I am still fearful of that sodium laurel sulfate).

say a quick prayer for me if you think about it, that I will find the strength and bravery to follow thru. That I am as ready as God is trying to tell me I am.