Monday, October 08, 2007

weekend whirlwind

here is the quick weekend recap...

Friday, walked Bridget's legs off. took her to the park where I make her choose our path down paved and unpaved trails. It's amazing we find our way back sometimes. she chose the high road, no creekbed this time. but I didn't let her turn to the car and made her keep going for one more round til the sun went down on us.

Saturday i had Tai chi in the morning. Having trouble with learning the fans, they are moving very fast thru it and I skipped a class or two, but mom took notes so we can practice and get caught up. Have been getting very hot very fast in spite of the weather cooling off, think it has something to do with my "cycle" so should be back to normal next week.
Took Bridget to the Love my pet fair. she was tired from staying up late and getting up early and is scared of scarecrows, particularly the one we took a picture next to, so she wasa littel shaken up and skiddish in a way that is very unsual for her. but overall a good time walking thru the aisles and entering all the drawings. Bridget's favorite part was running out the door where she was free of haivng to stay close and be sniffed and barked at. The dogs near us are pretty quiet and spoiled, I dont think she knew what to think about so many dogs and cats in cages acting like animals. And she backed out of her collar once, poor baby was more freaked out about that than i was. She acted like I was going to give her away when i set her on the dog massage table to get hints and tips. funny girl.
Then on to the birthday party for one of my adopted moms. did well not eating too much, was very full, but not fat and stuffed. only had one piece of cake.
stayed up late after we finally got back home after midnight but didn't do late night snacking.

Sunday, Bridget and I did not wake up til 10, slept right thru the alarms, so no church. then we decided to stay home and clean, read the paper and watch movies instead of going to life group with the folks. what bums. I did go into work to try to get ahead a little too.

Didn't do much snacking this weekend. ate salad most meals.

Have not braved the scale yet, but did notice a little less love handles...

skin is clearing back up for the most part too. have attacked it with microdermabrasion, about every other day, peeling off the top layer of skin, making face a little dry, but with extra care to moisturizing, it seems to be helping.

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